November is Native American Heritage Month. This is a chance for us to celebrate the immense contributions of indigenous people historically and today, including writers and musicians!

Visit the new site of Cafe Ohlone in Berkeley

Either to dine or just observe the space, which the founder has called “a love song to Ohlone culture.” Cafe Ohlone is the first indigenous restaurant in California.

You can read more about how the founders Vincent Medina and Louis Trevino became partners in business and life.

Treat yourself to a film through “The Reciprocity Project”

The project aims to “lift up the value of reciprocity in Indigenous ways of storytelling. In many Indigenous languages, there is no word for reciprocity – it is simply embedded into every aspect of existence. Visit the site.

Workshop: Jews on Ohlone Land

Wednesday, Dec 7, 2022 (1 – 2:30 pm)
RSVP to attend live or request the recording

Offered through the Jewish Social Justice Roundtable and JOOL

What does it mean for us to live as Jews on stolen land? What can we learn from the ways Jewish and Indigenous histories of genocide are similar and from our vastly different experiences of continuity of place? In reimagining our traditional ways of working with the land, how can we move toward the right relationship with Ohlone people and land? This workshop will include a lot of time for discussion and reflection.

A Must-Listen Podcast: “This Land

A white couple in Texas wanted to adopt a Navajo child. But the Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978 barred them from doing so, upholding the right of American Indian children to remain connected to their community – so they challenged this law in the Supreme Court. In this podcast, Rebecca Nagle, a citizen of the Cherokee Nation, explains how Haaland v. Brackeen is much more than a custody case. It’s about the land, culture, rich and corporate oil interests. The Supreme Court is hearing this case THIS WEEK.