Visual & Performing Arts

Our goal is to have students transfer their developing awareness of artistic value and cultural understanding to all areas of their life, learning and community.

The Visual & Performing Arts Department offers every student the opportunity to explore artistic creation in visual, dramatic and musical mediums. Instructors guide students to connect their burgeoning skills with their ideas and personal experiences to begin to develop an artistic aesthetic. Students think critically and analytically regarding artistic choices, motivations and relevant theories throughout the process of creating art and through the completion of the final product. The department emphasizes the importance of studying contemporary and traditional approaches within each medium and its cultural development through history.

Art is incorporated into all aspects of the JCHS experience through collaboration with performing arts, gallery showcases, and site-specific art installations throughout our campus. Our goal is to have students transfer their developing awareness of artistic value and cultural understanding to all areas of their life, learning and community.

The Visual & Performing Arts Department’s mission is to see each student develop the ability to:

  • Engage in the artistic process to develop original pieces of art and performance
  • Process, analyze, and respond to artistic information using appropriate artistic vocabulary and themes
  • Relate and utilize historical and cultural information to contextualize their own work, and make historical and cultural connections to fine art and other academic disciplines
  • Analyze and think critically about their own work, the work of their peers, and the artistic works within the community and culture
  • Evaluate and offer respectful, constructive feedback regarding their artistic outcomes and those of their peers
  • Learn to work independently, as well as in a group
  • Develop the problem-solving skills necessary to bring a long-term project to a successful close


Click on any course name below to learn more.

Visual & Performing Arts Core Courses

Subject Area: Performing Arts
Open to: 9, 10, 11, 12

Acting I engages students in learning the skills of acting and storytelling. Through games, improvisation, and exercises, students learn the skills and techniques of concentration, developing given circumstances, sense memory, emotional portrayal, physical agility, vocal control and character development. Units include improv, modern scene work, and acting for the camera. Students develop skills in observation and critique of the art of acting. Using the wonderful improv games of Viola Spolin and Keith Johnstone, the listening techniques of Meisner, the magic ‘if’ of Stanislavski, we learn to listen, work creatively, and build responsive, fearless physical and imaginative instruments.

Subject Area: Performing Arts
Open to: 9, 10, 11, 12

This is an exciting performance-based class that combines both singers and instrumentalists (and those that want to do both) in the same class. The ensemble provides an opportunity both to elevate the technical facility of the individual musician and to represent JCHS in a positive way inside and outside the community. Music selections will be drawn from a combination of sources and be in part determined by student interests. In the past, repertoire has included piano works arranged for the group (by composers such as Bach and Chopin), music from movies, 80’s rock, songs related to Jewish holidays, and Jazz of several different varieties.

In addition to preparing for regular performances, students will learn some aspects of music theory (both written, aural, and executed on an instrument) which, for interested students, can improve their skills in improvisation. There will also be some training in music-specific technology skills like audio engineering, sequencing, producing, and music notation.

Subject Area: Visual Arts
Open to: 9, 10, 11, 12

Filmmaking introduces students to the creative process of filmmaking – from conceptualization of story to production and post-production processes. Students will develop storytelling skills using the creative medium of film – from idea, to script, storyboards. We will view and study the techniques employed by some of the most influential filmmakers of the last 100 years. Concepts and skills are developed through project assignments and will explore the technical aspects of filmmaking such as: visualization, camera movement and shot composition, special effects, lighting, sound, music and editing. Students will learn the skills necessary to successfully accomplish basic pre-production, production, and post-production processes. Advanced non-linear editing skills are introduced using tools such as Final Cut Pro, Motion, Adobe Premiere, and Adobe After Effects. Working both collaboratively and independently, students will learn the grammar and conventions of the medium by creating short narrative films.  This course also covers the current and historical norms of the filmmaking industry.

Please Note: A laptop (Mac or PC) with sufficient processing power and free disc space is required. If using a Mac, the latest version of iMovie Final Cut X should be loaded. If using a Windows machine, a video editor (i.e. Resolve or Premiere) that has sufficient capabilities is required.  The school provides licenses of Final Cut X or Premiere Pro.

Subject Area: Visual Arts
Open to: 9, 10, 11, 12

This course will provide students with an introduction to Photography’s fundamental principles and techniques using both digital and analog (film) methods. Each student will receive a DSLR camera of their own for the duration of the class which we will lean to operate in full manual mode. This includes how to create dynamic motion blur and frozen action shots. Our regular photo walks off campus offer us adventure in the neighborhoods surrounding JCHS such as Japan town where we explore the impact of both design and color in our images. In the second
semester, we go into the darkroom and uncover the mysterious world of film photography, including photograms and making our own unique black & white prints.

Please Note: Students who do not have their own cameras will be able to check out a JCHS camera for the duration of the class. Each student and their family checking out a JCHS camera accepts responsibility to replace the camera/kit for loss or damage.

Subject Area: Performing Arts
Open to: 9, 10, 11, 12

Instrumental Ensemble is a course dedicated to creating a quality performing group that provides an opportunity both to elevate the technical facility of the individual musician and to represent JCHS in a positive way inside the community. In this class, students will practice music outside of class (ideally with the help of a private instructor) and participate in rehearsals with their peers, either with or without the instructor’s guidance. Students will also choose a creative track and follow it for the whole year: options include music technology (sequencing, editing, and composing), improvisation (which includes some music theory) and composition (which also includes music theory, geared toward writing for peers in the class).

Subject Area: Visual Arts
Open to: 9, 10, 11, 12

Materials and Methods is a dynamic foundation visual art class that guides students on a creative journey through drawing, painting, and printmaking. Students unleash their artistic potential as they delve into different media, exploring the world around them and expressing their unique perspectives. Through assigned projects, students discover their personal interests and experiences, reflecting on them to shape their artistic ideas. The course emphasizes skill development in paper cutting, graphite drawing, monotype and relief printmaking, and acrylic painting. Students engage in hands-on art-making, group critiques, and even analyze the colors of their favorite movie or TV scenes. They uncover the “bones” of a photo, develop personal iconography, and experiment with diverse printmaking techniques. With a blend of critical thinking and positive risk-taking, this class empowers students to create meaningful artworks and even experience scenic painting on the set of a musical production. Get ready for a year of artistic exploration, self-discovery, and creative expression.

Subject Area: Visual Arts
Open to: 9, 10, 11, 12

Sculpture is a studio art course about using various materials and methods to construct three-dimensional forms. Students gain hands-on technical skills and conceptual foundations of visual language. Using processes of assemblage, casting, additive and subtractive work, students explore relationships between objects, physical space, and scale. Materials that students focus on include, and are not limited to, wire, plaster, clay, paper, found objects, and digital media. Over the course of the year, students build an understanding of how ideas, identities, cultures, and histories are communicated through art. Students learn to analyze form and content through their independent projects and class discussions, and by studying artists who work with sculptural objects, architecture, site-specific installations, and performance. Assignments promote imaginative inquiry and technical skill development. This course includes major projects, process projects, some reading, writing, class discussions, and sketchbook assignments.

Visual & Performing Arts Elective Courses

Subject Area: Performing Arts
Prerequisite(s): Acting I (or 2 or more JCHS Productions and Departmental Approval)

Acting II is a performance based class which extends and deepens the skills built in Acting I. Students will engage in advanced acting exercises for the stage and screen, including long form improvisation, Meisner technique, Michael Chekhov technique, directing, and acting for film. Students will study advanced contemporary and classical texts.

Subject Area: Visual Arts
Open to: 11, 12
Prerequisite(s): (Concepts & Processes or Honors Photography) and Departmental Approval

Students will elect to concentrate in one of the following:

  • 2-D Art and Design
  • 3-D Art and Design
  • Drawing

The AP Studio program consists of three different courses and AP Portfolio Exams – AP 2-D Art and Design, AP 3-D Art and Design, and AP Drawing – corresponding to college and university foundations courses. Students may choose to submit any or all of the AP Portfolio Exams.

Students create a portfolio of work to demonstrate inquiry through art and design and development of materials, processes, and ideas over the course of a year. Portfolios include works of art and design, process documentation, and written information about the work presented. In May, students submit portfolios for evaluation based on specific criteria, which include skillful synthesis of materials, processes, and ideas and sustained investigation through practice, experimentation, and revision, guided by questions.

Please Note: AP courses will require additional afternoon and/or weekend meeting times throughout the year.

Students who do not have their own cameras will be able to check out a JCHS camera  for the duration of the class. Each student and their family checking out a JCHS camera accepts responsibility to replace the camera/kit for loss or damage.

Subject Area: Visual Arts
Prerequisite(s): Materials and Methods or Sculpture

Concepts and Processes blends tradition with exploration, offering a direct pathway to delve into visual expression through the informed application of design principles. From timeless subjects such as still life, portraiture, and landscape to innovative art assignments using algorithms and chance, the course serves as a dynamic arena for creative experimentation. Develop technical skills in shading, line variation, proportion, color, and craftsmanship through practical exercises and collaborative critiques. Explore a diverse range of visual art media, from drawing to printmaking, collage to painting, discovering the unique potentials of each. Engage in group feedback sessions, delve into mural history, and execute your own mural for the school community. Broaden your artistic horizons by developing personal iconography, drawing inspiration from daily routines, and exploring the concept of space. Transform found materials, adapt collage into painting, and embrace positive risk-taking through critical thinking. Utilize phone cameras not only to explore composition and capture inspiring moments but also to document and archive your work throughout the year, creating a digital portfolio that tracks your artistic progression in the course.

Subject Area: Visual Arts
Prerequisites: Filmmaking 

This course builds on the foundations acquired in Filmmaking.  Students learn how to organize more long-term, complex team projects. These projects may include both Narrative and Avant-Garde films of significant length and breadth. Through these projects, students learn the techniques of developing stories using tools such as storyboards and shot lists. We study the various genres of contemporary films such as Noir, Documentary, Realism, and Neorealism, and delve into their respective place in cinematic history. Students study Hollywood features, foreign cinema, and independent films to gain an understanding of how various filmmaking techniques affect the viewer’s interpretation of a story. Copyright, fair use, and infringements are explored.  Students will film both in and out of class and the emphasis will be on visual innovation and expression as evidenced in their films.   

Please Note:  A laptop (Mac or PC only, no Chromebook) with sufficient processing power and free disc space is required. Computers without sufficient free space or processing capabilities will (at minimum) cause frustrations in completing projects. It is strongly recommended that prospective students verify with the instructor their computer is sufficiently capable in advance. If using a Mac, the latest version of Premiere Pro or Final Cut Pro will be provided.  iMovie is not sufficient for this class. If using a Windows machine, the latest version of Premiere Pro (provided) or Resolve (freeware) should be loaded.

Subject Area: Visual Arts
Prerequisite(s): Fundamentals of Photography

Honors Photography is designed for students to more deeply explore and refine their Photographic interests. Our assignments put emphasis on uncovering and developing our own unique style while strengthening the technical skills that support our vision. The introduction of advanced techniques, both digitally and in the Darkroom, allow us to take our images further and more fully express ourselves. Willingness to experiment and take risks in one’s imagery are key at this next level of study.

Please Note: Students who do not have their own cameras will be able to check out a JCHS camera  for the duration of the class. Each student and their family checking out a JCHS camera accepts responsibility to replace the camera/kit for loss or damage.

Click here to view the complete Curriculum Map

Concentration, 2014, by Sally Khomikh
Concentration, 2014, by Sally Khomikh

Visual Art work created by JCHS students