Ways to Support JCHS
Thank you for considering making a gift to JCHS.
There are many ways to support JCHS through philanthropic giving. Your support plays a critical role in the lives of our students and the sustenance and growth of the school.
One Fund Giving Levels
The giving levels below speak to the values that are core to the JCHS experience.
- Jewish Learning | Torah $50,000 or more
- Kindness | Chesed $36,000
- Healing the World | Tikkun Olam $25,000
- Social Responsibility | Tzedek $18,000
- Conviction | Emunah $10,000
- Creativity | Yetzirah $5,000
- Leadership | Manhigut $3,600
- Loyalty | Ne’emanut $1,800
- Joy | Simcha $1,000
- Unity of the Jewish People | Klal Yisrael $540
- Gratitude | Hakarat HaTov $360
- Integrity |Yosher Up to $359
Make your gift with a credit card online by clicking the button below.
By Mail
Checks should be made payable to JCHS One Fund. Please include any special gift designations (e.g. scholarships) in the memo line.
Jewish Community High School, Attn: Development Department
1835 Ellis Street
San Francisco, CA 94115
If you would like to make a pledge, please contact Julie Vlcek-Burke, Director of Development at jvlcek@jchsofthebay.org. Pledges to the One Fund are due in full by June 1.
Gifts of Stock
Details on how to donate stock can be found here: Stock Instructions. If you have any questions, please contact the development office at jvlcek@jchsofthebay.org and we will be happy to assist you through the process. If making a donation through a Donor Advised Fund, Our EIN is 94-3349377.
Wire Transfer
For assistance in arranging a wire transfer, please contact Julie Vlcek-Burke at jvlcek@jchsofthebay.org or 415-345-1818.
Matching Gifts
Many employers sponsor matching gift programs and will match any charitable contributions made by their employees. The impact of your gift to JCHS may be doubled or possibly tripled! Use the search engine below to see if your employer will match your gift.
In-Kind Donations
JCHS appreciates and welcomes gifts-in-kind if they can be used in support of the mission of our school. Responsibility for appraisal rests with the donor. To coordinate in-kind donations, please contact Julie Vlcek-Burke at: jvlcek@jchsofthebay.org
Tribute Gifts
If you’d like to make a gift to JCHS in honor or in memory of someone special to you, simply include the name and address of this person or their family, and we will notify them of your thoughtful gift.
Planned Gifts
A gift provided in your will may be a percentage of your estate, the residual of the estate, a certain item, or a specific dollar amount. Estate taxes may be reduced by a bequest to JCHS.
Charitable Remainder Trust
This trust provides either a fixed or variable income for you and your family. Part of the trust qualifies for an income tax deduction and at the death of the last beneficiary, the assets of the trust are distributed to JCHS.
Charitable Lead Trust
This trust allows you to pass on assets to family members with significant estate and gift tax savings while allowing JCHS to benefit from the income for the duration of the trust.
Gifts of Life Insurance or Pension Benefits
A gift of life insurance allows you to contribute a previously acquired policy that may no longer be needed for its initial purpose and realize tax benefits. JCHS may also be named as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy, company pension or profit-sharing plan, or of a private fund such as an IRA, Keogh, or tax-sheltered annuity.
For more information about the Legacy Society, please click here.