Rebecca Golbert and Doug Crane (parents of Mira ’23 and Sam ’25)

As parents, we’re lucky to have a magnificent library with a librarian who teaches our students how to use and evaluate our growing collection of excellent academic resources. As the parent representatives for the Library Gift Fund, we invite you to help the library continue to grow. 

How the Library Gift Program works: 

At the beginning of each month, we will send a Mazal Tov email to parents whose students are celebrating birthdays that month. You can commemorate your student’s birthday with a library book donation and dedication or make a general gift to the library.

To do so, follow this link, designate a donation amount, the name of the honoree, and (if you so desire) a brief dedication you would like to put in the book. Your gift will be disbursed directly to the JCHS Library.

Todah rabah!

Rebecca and Doug
Parent Representatives
Library Gift Program