Spirit Week is a JCHS tradition where grades compete to see who has the most school spirit! Each grade will work together to compete in games, perform a skit and a song, decorate the commons, and dress up. Each event will be judged by ProCom members, and a winner will be announced at the end of the week. The winner will have the honor of having the gnome painted their grade color for the rest of the year!

Students, your grade rashim needs your help writing your grade skit and song, decorating the commons, giving a D’var Torah, and competing in games!



Meet with your grade during Flex Block to prepare for spirit week. Check your email for meeting locations and leaders.

Next Meeting: JANUARY 16


Major Elements

  • Skit
    • Each grade will present its skit to the entire school, where it will be judged by members of ProCom. Skits make up a huge portion of each grade’s score for Spirit Week! 
    • THEME: Each JCHS grade is lost in a movie or TV show and must find their ruach to get out of it!
  • Song
    • After the skit performance, each grade will come together to sing a song about their grade and JCHS. It can be to the tune of another song, or you can write your own. 
    • As with the skit, all students are encouraged to perform! 
  • D’var Torah
    • Get everyone hyped through a passionate speech that has something to do with the Torah (ideas: talk about your grades theme/goals).
  • Games
    • Each day, there will be games during flex time or lunch. We will look for participants ahead of time to compete and earn points!
  • Commons Decoration
    • Decorate your grade’s corner of the commons in your grade color to win more points! The corners will be judged by ProCom at the end of the week.

The most important thing about Spirit Week is to have fun and do something together with your grade. Your grade will need as much participation as possible to win!! Keep an eye on your email for a form to fill out to volunteer to get involved!