JCHS invites parents and guardians of all Bay Area Jewish teens (middle school and high school) for an evening of learning together.

March 7, 2024 5:00 PM-7:00 PM (Light nosh available).

Participants can choose TWO workshop sessions from the following:

How to Parent Teens during heightened times of stress and trauma, with Julie Beck, LCSW, JCHS School Counselor
Join School Counselor Julie Beck to learn about ways to parent our teens, especially during heightened times of stress and trauma. This session will focus on how parents can support adolescents, and themselves, in the face of various stressors be they personal to the teen, the family or more global.

Managing the College Search as a Jewish Student, with Lauren Cook, JCHS Dean of College & Gap-Year Advising
The college search often has particular considerations for Jewish teens, and never more so than after October 7. Join Dean of College & Gap-Year Advising Lauren Cook for a conversation about the JCHS approach, recommended resources for families, and general guidance on finding a best fit campus and educational climate for your student.

The History of Zionism and the Arab/Israeli Conflict: 120 years in 45 minutes, with Rabbi Dean Kertesz
The history of conflict between the Jews and Palestinians, between Jewish nationalism (Zionism) and Arab and Palestinian nationalisms (not always the same things) has a 120-year history. Where you start the timeline impacts how you view the conflict. The history is complicated but it is comprehensible. In this session with Rabbi Dean Kertesz we will try to understand some of the basic issues that inform it and provide a basic framework of understanding.

Media, Language, & Context: Unpacking the slogans and signs around us, with Adi Alouf, JCHS Director of Jewish & Student Life
How can you talk to your teen about the various loaded signs and slogans you see in the Bay Area right now? In this workshop with JCHS Director of Jewish & Student Life Adi Alouf, we’ll look at the messages and images on our city streets, and develop a framework for analyzing them with teens.

Community Space: Share how you’ve been impacted as a parent, with Roni Ben-David, JCHS Director of Social Justice & Inclusion
Join this supportive space to share how these past few months have impacted you as a parent. The purpose of the “circle” is to share honestly and listen to understand one another, so that we feel more available to show up for others. The circle will follow a structure, with guided prompts, facilitated by Roni Ben-David, Director of Social Justice & Inclusion.

Additional Resources

Thanks to all those who presented at this event and to those who attended.  Below are some of the resources shared during the program.