DECEMBER 9, 2023

Tickets: $10 ($13 at the door)

Ticket Information

Tickets for the Winter Formal will be sold next week, Tuesday, December 5th – Friday, December 8th, at lunch in the commons. Please bring $10 cash to buy your ticket. We will not be accepting any other forms of payment. 

If you do not buy your ticket by lunch on Friday, you may purchase it at the door for $13, cash only. 

Also, we invite you to please fill out this form with any song requests you might have!


Outside guests will be allowed at the Winter Formal. Guests must complete this form by noon on Friday, December 8, if they would like to attend. Current JCHS students may purchase their tickets ahead of time, or guests can buy them at the door. 

Contact Ms. Fauth with any questions.