We are looking forward to another engaging year of learning with each other in person on campus. For all of last year and again this year, SFDPH has deferred to the California Department of Public Health (CalDPH) regarding guidance for schools, and JCHS is doing the same.
With this in mind, we return to the JCHS campus soon with the following protocols.
- Masking will be optional, but masking is strongly recommended if you are well enough to come to school, but not feeling 100%. Individual choices to mask will be respected and honored.
- JCHS will NOT be offering weekly COVID-19 testing
- Everyone entering campus must still scan in using the SchoolPass app for security purposes. The Wellness Check has been discontinued. Families will receive information about SchoolPass later this week.
- Anyone experiencing symptoms of COVID is asked to test at home using an antigen test before coming to campus.
- Anyone who tests positive for COVID. Please notify JCHS immediately, and stay home for at least 5 days after the start of symptoms (Day 0).
Isolation can end after Day 5 if:
- Symptoms are not present, or are mild and improving; AND
- You are fever-free for 24 hours (without the use of fever-reducing medication).
- If fever is present, isolation should be continued until 24 hours after fever resolves.
- If symptoms, other than fever, are not improving, continue to isolate until symptoms are improving or until after Day 10.
- If the confirmed case has severe symptoms, or is at high risk of serious disease or has questions concerning care, they should contact their healthcare provider for available treatments.
- Individuals returning after testing positive should wear a well-fitting mask around others through Day 10, especially in indoor settings.
- After you have ended isolation, if your symptoms recur or worsen, get tested again and if positive, restart isolation at Day 0.
- You do not need to present a negative test result to JCHS.
This is in alignment with city and state protocols, which you can read here:
- https://www.cdph.ca.gov/Programs/CID/DCDC/Pages/COVID-19/Guidance-on-Isolation-and-Quarantine-for-COVID-19-Contact-Tracing.aspx
- https://sf.gov/youve-had-close-contact-or-positive-test
Missing Classes Due to COVID. If a student needs to miss school due to COVID, or for any other health reason, we encourage the student to recuperate at home and return to school as soon as possible. Students can communicate directly with their teachers to learn about work that might be missed. Or a member of the Student Support Team may reach out to help the student plan for keeping up with work. There will not be an option for “zooming” into classes except in extreme, extended situations approved by the Assistant Head of School.
We will continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation and make adjustments as CalDPH and our medical advisors recommend. Again, we are grateful to each of you for continuing to ensure the safety of others. Thanks to your commitment to each other we can continue making real the powerful blessing of being able to learn and celebrate together in person.
Last Updated August 18, 2023